Friday, December 3, 2010

" Endure" in Chinese

When you write the Chinese word for "endure", on the top, you write knife, on the bottem you write heart. Chinese usually hang the picture with "endure" word on the wall.

My sister always says, "You must endure people and things, you will be successful on your job." I want to "endure with everything, but I always forget because I am easy angred. Sometimes I talk loudly in the office. My son said, "Mom, do you see your office has "endure" word." When my son was young, I explained, " The word endure on the office wall can always remind us that putting a knife on the heart just hurt only, but we still can survive."

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Dream Job: Working at Accounting Office

Dear Hiring Manager

I read the advertisement in Seattle Chinese Post for a position as a accountant's assistant. I am very interested in this position and I am the ideal candidate for this position. I have over 7 years of experience working at accounting office. I am good at math and accurate about work. For example, I always send correct invoices to the customers. Every time I type an invoice, I am very careful to check the order number, the items, the price. I make sure everything is correct before I print out the invoice.

I am also a responsible and hard worker. I always make sure my customers pay their bills on time. I call American customers in the morning, and call Asian customers in the afternoon. I am bilingual, and know that Asian customers don't like people ask money in the morning. If my customer doesn't answer my call or call back to tell me when they schedule to pay, I would have a salesperson to stop selling to that customer.

I am very creative, for example, I always creat the report to show what type loan the drivers make more money . Working at accounting office is my dream job. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Mei Jin Cai

Friday, November 5, 2010

The immigation Law should be Change

The immigration law should not be changed. I am strongly agree the kid was born in the United State is an America citizen. My kids always said they are American. Some people use this law for personal purpose. The Seattle Chines Post Said: " The rich Chinese woman choice delivery the second kid in the America. The benefit to them are they spend less money to have second kid in China. The main purpose is the kid become America citizen. But this reason can't change the kid's right : the kid was born in the United state become an America citizen.

Illegal immigrants not allow to work. In the America history, many immigrants come to this country is illegal. The immigrants work hard to Support America. America is the strong country in the world because they have immigrants. Many scientists in America come from different country. They create many good idea to make America success. The first airplane designer is a Chinese engineer.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Benefits of Public School

I sent my kids to public school from elementary school through high school. I am an immigrant:English is my second language. So I felt this was the only decision I could make. Public school is free. I don't need to worry about money to pay tuition every month. The school provide free school bus transportation. The classes are good: Washington has some of the best schools in the country. And last but not least, my kids love school lunches because the schools give them American food instead of Chinese food.

Before go to school, my kids didn't speak English, also my kids were scared to meet strangers people. My kids have different color friends at school. My kids told me they never speak Chinese at school with other Chinese classmates. They like to speak English at school. So everyone can understand what they talking about. After my kids came home from school, they always smile and talk to neighbors, I asked: " You don't know them, so why do you talk to them?" My kids told me that's the American way. They have learned to become American by being in a public school environment.

My sons learned how to read and write English at public school. They also learned math and science at school. My oldest kid got a high enough score to attend University of Washington. My other kid has been in APP classes since middle school. Now he is in Garfield High School - A Seattle public school. His science class will help kids get some college credit. Public schools have very good program for kids to go to college. Interlake High school for example is public school. It is very good high school in the United State.

Public school is for everyone: even if you have money, you should you're your money for college tuition. My sister-in-law's kids are in a private school. After she pays tuition, she has to spend a lot of money for uniforms and school activities. Her kids reading and writing skills are worse than my kids. I strongly recommend that parents-especially immigrant parents-send their kids to public school. Public school is good for every kids' education.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Advice New Immigrant

Dear New Immigrant,

Welcome to the Land of Plenty. America is a beautiful country. You must work hard, you will have better life hear.

1. When you work at a small company, you remember to ask your employer to pay you W2 not 1099. W2 wages you pay half tax and employer pay half. But 1099 wages, every month you get gross wages and end the year you pay full tax by yourself.

2. When you rent a house, you must remember inspection the house, write down all the damages. When you move out, you would pay the damages you didn't write down.

3. When you open your own business, you must bring all agreement to the lawyer to read before you sign. Anything you sign means you agree.

New immigrant remember that you do anything wrong at the beginning, you will lose a lot money to fix your problem.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Immigrats Help Each Other

In my experience, immigrants help each other whenever we can. Since I came to American more than 20 years ago, I have gotten much help from immigrants. I also have learned that immigrants help each other in different ways.

For my first baby, I didn't have enough money to buy health insurance. The Chinese interpreter bought me to meet social worker. She filled out all the applications for me. I just signed my name only. After that I got my medical coverage to deliver my baby.

One time I went to dental clinic to clear my teeth, the doctor she came from Vietnam found out I had one tooth with a cavity. She fixed for me without charging me. She told me many immigrants didn't have money to maintain our teeth, so we finally lose our all of out teeth.

One Asian driver worked in my previous trucking company; one time when he loaded vegetables from California to New York, he signed the bill of lading without counting how many pallets there are on the truck. The receiver found it to be short one pallet. He had to pay 600 hundred dollars for that one pallet of merchandise out of his own pocket. A Mexican she worked at the ship accounting office. She stayed in the office and checked the computer inventory after everyone went home. The next day, she went to the warehouse and checked merchandise. She found out the warehouse worker didn't ship out that pallet. The driver called to thank her for her help. She said she was "glad to help immigrants".

Monday, October 11, 2010

Father of the Bride: A movie with a wedding

The movie for "Father of the Bride" shows the father is not happy that his daughter is getting married. I watched this movie on ESL Summer class. I love this movie because a traditional wedding in my country is complete different. In the US, the bride's parents pay for the wedding, but in my country, the bride's parents get money for the wedding.

In the film, Martin plays George Banks. First he insists she is too young, then he accuses her suitor of being unsuitable and finally he turns to his wife to concur with his verdict. Mom and daughter hire a wedding consultant; the wedding is going to cost $250 a head. The expensive wedding is a big problem for George Banks. After spending huge money and time prepare the wedding, George Banks feels disappointed at the wedding. During the wedding he had many problem: he had to wait on the long line to get his foods, he had to move cars from his home to the park; he missed her daughter before she left home go for her honey moon.

I don't have any daughter. If I had a daughter, I would be very very worried about how I could find money for the daughter's wedding party.