I sent my kids to public school from elementary school through high school. I am an immigrant:English is my second language. So I felt this was the only decision I could make. Public school is free. I don't need to worry about money to pay tuition every month. The school provide free school bus transportation. The classes are good: Washington has some of the best schools in the country. And last but not least, my kids love school lunches because the schools give them American food instead of Chinese food.
Before go to school, my kids didn't speak English, also my kids were scared to meet strangers people. My kids have different color friends at school. My kids told me they never speak Chinese at school with other Chinese classmates. They like to speak English at school. So everyone can understand what they talking about. After my kids came home from school, they always smile and talk to neighbors, I asked: " You don't know them, so why do you talk to them?" My kids told me that's the American way. They have learned to become American by being in a public school environment.
My sons learned how to read and write English at public school. They also learned math and science at school. My oldest kid got a high enough score to attend University of Washington. My other kid has been in APP classes since middle school. Now he is in Garfield High School - A Seattle public school. His science class will help kids get some college credit. Public schools have very good program for kids to go to college. Interlake High school for example is public school. It is very good high school in the United State.
Public school is for everyone: even if you have money, you should you're your money for college tuition. My sister-in-law's kids are in a private school. After she pays tuition, she has to spend a lot of money for uniforms and school activities. Her kids reading and writing skills are worse than my kids. I strongly recommend that parents-especially immigrant parents-send their kids to public school. Public school is good for every kids' education.
This is a good essay, but needs to have a clearer argument at the beginning. I'll bring the edits to class -- good job, Mei!